
Monday, November 22, 2004

Where's Crispy?

Hello Beloved Readers!

The reason you haven't seen any posting action from me since Wednesday is because we had an FTX (Field Training Exercise) this past weekend.

I've spent most of the week ensuring that my squad was prepared, disseminating information, and attending meetings (not to mention getting my own stuff ready). We left Friday night and got back this afternoon (Sunday). Needless to say, I'm BEAT!

Also, on Tuesday, I'll be heading home for Thanksgiving. I'll try to post some things while I'm there, but I'm not going to make any promises. Some upcoming posts may include, "Women in Combat Units" and "Do Angels Have Free Will". As always, if you have any topic suggestions, by all means send it in. To send in your request, just click the "Email Crispy23" link and please entitle it accordingly.

Have a Great Day,