
Wednesday, November 03, 2004

So President Bush is Here for Another Four Years

As Vox Day recently wrote,

"If America is a car headed for a cliff, a vote for John Kerry is like stepping on the gas, while voting for George Bush can be best equated with leaving it on cruise control. However, if you are at all concerned with the long-term direction of this country, I strongly suggest pulling on the emergency brake by voting for one of the two men who are genuinely committed to reclaiming America's stolen birthright, Michael Badnarik of the Libertarian Party or Michael Peroutka of the Constitution Party.

Neither man will win tomorrow's election. But at least you will have the satisfaction of knowing that you are not a willing accomplice in the ongoing bipartisan destruction of your country."

I whole-heartedly agree with his analogy.


On to other things, the reason you haven't been seen many posts from me this week is because I've had test after test & paper after paper due this week. Tomorrow, thank God, is my last test of the week. Once the election fades from the news headlines, I'll start back up. There is only so much you can say about an election.


One more note: It is nice to see that Florida 1) didn't go to Kerry & 2) Elected mostly republican representatives. Congratulations, Sen. Martinez and Rep. Harris.
