
Friday, October 22, 2004

Palestinians are Bed-Wetters

I knew that title would get your attention.

The Age (an Australian news site) ran a story today about how the Palestinians are training 12 year olds to grow up and be suicide-bombing terrorists. Please read this story. It is one of the most truly informational stories that I have read in quite some time about the Israeli-Palestinian relationship and the cause of the continual attacks and murders committed by the Palestinians. Itamar Marcus, an Israeli activist, former government adviser and runs a company that searches for evidence of the incitment of hatred against Jews said (about the Palestinians),
"You have a whole society that is giving the message to kids that Israel is your enemy and the whole land is yours, not just the West Bank and Gaza."
If you ever want to have the ability to be able debate Israeli-Palestinian relations again, you need to read this story. Nothing is going to change in that area until the Terrorist Society of the Palestinians is removed or is severely reformed.
