
Monday, November 08, 2004

Need a Laugh?

I have, hands down, run across the sappiest page in the universe. I never really thought people would say something as dumb as, "I feel your pain." I figured that after former president Clinton made himself look like such a nitwit when he said it, Americans would never use those words together again. Apparently, I was wrong. Not only did one person use similar phrases, but many people!

And now to tear apart your pathetic whining about the decisions Army officers need to make... First off, if you can't take the pressure, pull off your Captain's bars, or whatever rank you may be, and report to your chain of command that you can no longer perform your duty. Your emotional involvement is clouding your judgment. Yeah, sometimes the decisions we have to make as officers can result in other men losing their lives. Yes, that sucks. Deal with it. But that's why we're here, to make the tough choices, isn't it? I'd be curious to know what kind of a unit you served or current serve in. From the sound of things, you are probably in a maintenance company and will unfortunately follow in the footsteps of the first bunch of misfits (who should all be court martialed) from the 507th Ord. Maintenance company that got themselves lost and then slaughtered, because their chain of command failed to enforce standards. For example: their M-16s all jammed because they were filthy. We all know the M-16/M-4 isn't the greatest innovation on the face of the earth however, we need to do what we can with it.

Rabbit Trail #1: Some intellectual heavy-weight on this very page used a quote from Thomas Jefferson in the signature of his/her post:
"A democracy is nothing more than mob rule, where fifty-one percent of the people may take away the rights of the other forty-nine." - Thomas Jefferson
Guess what, fantastic American! The United States of America isn't a democracy!!! Before you sit there and start swearing at me through your computer. Think about it (don't you hate it when I say that?). Athens (ancient Greece) was a democracy. The entire city would get together and talk about their issues, then every single person was entitled to vote on the issue. In America, we ELECT the person we believe will best represent our opinions and stances on issues. Those ELECTED INDIVIDUALS, known as REPRESENTATIVES, go and vote on the issues, instead of having all the people vote on those issues. This is called a REPRESENTATIVE REPUBLIC.

Rabbit Trail #2: Here's a real winner. Of every single talking head we have in America today, the best one you could find is the omniscient E-Gore?

"There is something deeply troubling to many Americans about President Bush's relationship to reason." Al Gore
GIVE ME A BREAK! Frank J. on Al Gore.

Rabbit Trail #3: And little PFC Lynch isn't a hero. She is a pathetic excuse for a soldier. (Yes, you may quote me on that.) If she had a genuine concern for her little comrades, she would still be out there fighting (or, rather maintaining). Instead, she decided to chase after the money that will come from her phony book deal. Its people just like that who make me sick and give the United States military a bad name.

Get a Clue, America.