
Monday, December 05, 2005

Look Out, Someone Pulled My Pin

BareKnucklePolitics posted the other day about how "well" Cindy Sheehan's book was doing. On December 1, 2005, her book was at #5,263. 05 DEC 2005, her book is at #18,758. This, again, goes to prove that not all hope has been lost. However, the fight for intelligence is not over. Remebering the Intelligence Theorem (The sum of all intelligence is constant; the population is growing.), we find some members of society that are all too eager to offer their intelligence to others. I direct you to the most recent (at the time of this writing) review of The Other Lizard Queen's book. It says:
Fact, not fiction, November 29, 2005
A necessary read in this Orwellian nightmare where those who have never fought paint war heroes as cowards, and those who have lost loved ones in a war as profiteers. Yet this is not fiction, this is reality in Bush's America.

When the demagoguery of worshipping a president like a religious figure and praising a "holy war," in spite of all evidence showing the futility of it all, thrive, a reality check like Cindy's book is needed.

Well, Jesus Jr. just went out the window & you're now looking at Ganges Khan Jr. Where should I start? There are so many problems with this that the task of ripping apart the stupidity is almost too daunting even for me, but as I have always maintained, never give up. Starting with the first sentence (my comments in red):

"A necessary read in this Orwellian nightmare" George and The Other Lizard Queen should never be mentioned in the same sentence. Mr. Orwell can actually write and is capable of independent thought. That's more than I can say for "her". "...Where those who have never fought paint war heroes as cowards," You just told me why I do NOT need to read this book. You just admitted that the view of the author is skewed and uninformed. FYI - You contradicted yourself halfway through your first sentence. Well done, Mr. Intellectual Heavyweight! "...And those who have lost loved ones in a war as profiteers." You're a profiteer because you lose a loved one? I'm sure that will make sense once I finish reading your comments, right?

This leads us into sentence #2!

Yet this is not fiction, this is reality in Bush's America." Isn't it amazing how the aforementioned skewed and uniformed author now becomes a reality writer?! Working that reefer again, eh man? Also, this is not "Bush's America". It should be the People's America, but don't get me started on that either.

Sentence #3!

"When the demagoguery" Just to be sure, I looked up your word of the day and here's the applicable definition (since we're no longer in ancient times): "a leader who makes use of popular prejudices and false claims and promises in order to gain power". What "popular prejudices" or "false claims" are you talking about? The last time I checked, 10 out of the 10 last suicide bombers were Arab Muslims. Shazam! Doesn't look like much prejudice to me! I bet ya the next 15 will be Arab Muslims too! F'-tard. I will, however, give you the false promises part simply because a government who wages war against an idea and not a tangible object is idiotic, at the least ("War on Terror"). One man's terrorist is another man's freedom-fighter - not that the cretins in Iraq are freedom-fighters - by no means. "...Of worshipping a president like a religious figure..." Ladies and gentlemen, the jackass speaks! Too bad that even a broke clock is right twice a day. Yes, I agree that some or most Christians worship President Bush as if he was Jesus come back. "...And praising a "holy war," The momentary comment of truth is made up for in this drivel of stupidity. A "holy war" is what the Muslims are waging. Don't believe me? I bet you this sick excuse for a human being would say otherwise. Listen to the voice in the background. He's saying "Allah Akbar". Friggin' amazing, isn't it? Using you're own target of Pres. Bush against you, he says we're fighting for democracy and the American way of life. Better luck next time. You need to learn to not just spit out the buzz words & catch phrases that you mean the media use. If you do use those words, you should still organize them into semi-coherent sentences that support your stance. Anyway... " spite of all evidence showing the futility of it all The futility of...(?) the American people's desire to believe in their leader? Or the futility of the not-so-holy-war? I refer back to my previously linked-to video. , thrive, a reality check like Cindy's book is needed." Last time I checked, we referred to authors that we liked by their last name. For example: "Remember that one part in William's play where the witch was like "Double double toil & trouble." That would be incorrect. Try this instead, "Remember that one part in Shakespeare's play where the witch was like "Double double toil & trouble." Amazing how that works, isn't it?

Jesus loves you, but I think you're a jerk.


UPDATE: 05DEC2005 @ 2218:

Our boy also reviewed a certain CD entitled "Rahat Nusrat Fateh Ali Khan".
That was the third CD of such a "genre" so I decided to check it out. At a quick glance, what language does that look like to you? Here's a what a law enforcement officer would call a clue: The title of track 1 is: "Allah Jallay Shan" which means (according to themselves) "Allah is Great and Glorious"!! Ta-da! Another scum with no clue and ulterior motives unmasked. *takes bow* Thank you. Thank you.

Also, her book is down to #20,279 - @ 2226.