
Saturday, April 23, 2005

Speaks for Itself

Warning: The following post contains graphic content and strong language which may be unsuitable for children. Viewer discretion is advised.

Instead of my ranting and raving for several paragraphs about the stupidity of certain people, and those they support, I'll just show you this video instead.

For those of you who don't know, some of the terrorists in Iraq decide they were going to shoot down a helicopter. Well, turns out that the helicopter was carrying 11 civilians (3 Bulgarian crew members, 2 Fijians and 6 Americans) and zero military personnel. Upon shooting down the helicopter, the terrorists ran to the crash site and began taking footage of the wreckage and the burned bodies. About 150 meters from the crash site, an injured survivor is found where he is screamed at, made to stand up and is then murdered. Trained ears will be able to pick up the sound of the cycling of the bolt of the AK-47 seconds prior to the man's execution. The Muslim terrorists continued to shoot the man a total of 15 times, even after he was dead.

If you've seen footage or pictures of the aftermath of IEDs or VBIEDs (especially the Assassin's Gate pictures, where some of the bodies were still bleeding due to the flash fire from the blast), the graphic nature in this video is nothing new. This execution, however, is beyond description.

To All Terrorists, World Wide: Way to go, infidels. You just pissed off me, and untold numbers of other soldiers and future soldiers, even more. Don't expect mercy or sympathy from me because my job is just to kill you. "I have come chew bubble gum and kick ass. And I'm all out of bubble gum."

For those of that have seen Boondock Saints:
"In nomine Patris, et Fili, et Spiritus Sancti." You know what comes next.

I probably shouldn't say the following and will wind up editing it later, but for those of you that support these people, I hope you realize how wrong you are and are able to correct it before it is too late. In my eyes, you are just as guilty as the ones who strap on the bombs and murder civilians.


Thanks to WaMi for bringing this to my attention.