
Thursday, February 10, 2005

Today in Brit Lit

Yep, two in one week.

So we had the "exam" on Tuesday past, which I already wrote about. Well, there was this magical gap in our class schedule for today. Most of us figured she accidentally skipped a day, since there was a page break, and did the homework assigned for the 15FEB class period. The entire class (or almost the entire class) is seated in the room, ready to go. It's 1530. Professor "Chuckles" isn't there. She never is late. So we wait, discussing what unfortunate peril may have overtaken her. 1535. The natives are getting restless. One of my fellow classmates decides to pull out the syllabus to get her office number and give a call up there, incase she had lost track of time. Upon hearing this idea, I quickly expressed my disdain for the idea by saying that if you call, you might wake her from a nap and proceeded, in my best impression of "Chuckles"' voice & personality say, "Oh, it's class time!" Well, the impression must have been pretty good because half of the class erupted in laughter. Honestly, I wasn't expecting that little blurb to receive so much positive feedback. Back to the story. Despite my advice, my classmate decided to call. Thankfully, "Chuckles" didn't answer.

Time to leave! Following two of my other classmates, I start my way out. For some reason, I decided to wait around down the hall for a few minutes. Someone decided to be real gutsy and took a stealth trip up to her office to recon it out. No "Chuckles". He went back and reported his findings, then everyone left.

Nothing annoys me more than a teacher that doesn't inform people that a class is cancelled. If you're sick, call in. If you're just canceling class, tell us. If you decided to commit suicide, leave a note or something. People that don't respect others' time annoy me.
