
Friday, December 17, 2004

Big Fishies

AKA: Aussie 18 Year-Old Becomes Two 9 Year-Olds

The UK-based Telegraph reported today about the 18 year old Australian who was "torn in half" when he was attacked by a Great White shark, which was shortly followed by a second Great White.

Some of you aren't going to like where this is going, but that's okay. How dumb can you get? We all know that Whites are frequent visitors to the Australian waters. To anyone who has a clue about shark behavior, it is no secret that they migrate to the warmer waters during the colders months of the year (Indian Ocean, Australian waters, and southern Atlantic (Gulf Stream)). As you've hopefully guessed, this little 18 year old rocket scientist isn't going to get any sympathy from me... Neither half of him.

Before you start the 'off with his head' demonstration, let's think for but a moment. I grew up in Florida spending almost every day of my summer vacations on the beach. I've been swimming since I was 3. So, needless to say, I've been around the water a little bit. There are certain things you just don't do.
Here are just a few of the "main ideas" of salt water swimming:
1) Don't swim at dusk (or at night). This is when most sharks are beginning their feeding time.
2) You don't swim during the colder months. Sharks migrate to warmer waters, which are here in FL. And, the water's colder. Just be patient and wait until summer.
3) If the lifeguards have the 'Hazardous Sea Life' flag up, you don't go in the water. If you go in, you're asking for trouble.
4) You don't go in the water if someone has been recently attacked.
Now yes, there are some exceptions to this. Sometimes shark attacks are totally random, or at least they seem to be, and those are fine. But when you're playing around in the waters and some of the above mentioned points are in affect, you need to have your head examined.

I seem to be rambling now. This made a lot more sense when it was bouncing around inside my head. Anyway, bottom line, this kid doesn't deserve any sympathy. He is a victim of his own stupidity. Afterall, there isn't much that sympathy would do for him now, is there?
