
Wednesday, November 09, 2005

Finally Boiling Over

I think one of the worst things that I've ever truly thought about a person was, "I'll always cherish my initial misconceptions about you." People continue to amaze me with how shallow they are. The following post has been in the making (upstairs) for the last several weeks, hence the title.

Don't complain about how you're sick of being "alone" when all you do is lead people on and suddenly drop them like a ton of bricks. Don't run around claiming to be a Christian when you act the way you do. Tell people you're a Muslim or something. People see that you hop around like a friggin' rabbit. You've managed to create the reputation of a shallow, slutty "lewd or immoral woman" (amazing what you can do with a dictionary, isn't it?) in only a few months. Actually, you didn't create your reputation; you simply revealed your character. Don't try to drag others down with you. They don't need your claws sunk into their bodies. Several weeks ago I noticed you had started hanging with someone I know. About one to two weeks ago I warned him about your pattern. Guess what he told me last night? I heard one of my favorite quotes, "You were right." Sha-zam! These guys have enough to worry about. They don't need your help to make things worse. Get over yourself and go take a cold shower... for about the next six months.

Jesus loves you, but I think you're an anal sphincter!


UPDATE: 0016 11NOV2005:

And by the way, "love" isn't something that changes week to week or day to day. It doesn't come and go. Its a decision, not a feeling.

This was supposed to be included in the original post, but it slipped my mind.

UPDATE: 1603 28NOV2005:

So now you have a boyfriend, again? *scratches head* The point of this update is only to further reemphasize my aforementioned points.